Poole Family Photos
Last updated:  August 23, 2009
L I N K S :
Nighttime view from our balcony in Pinarellu, where we spent our first week
M shows off his swollen elbow out at dinner in Porto Vecchio; Leyton looks on in horror
Dinner in Porto Vecchio
The double buggy caused a bit of a stir wherever we went (I guess these things aren't as common in France), especially when we pushed it up the incredibly steep hill to get to the old town in Porto Vecchio
Porto Vecchio
Daytime view from the balcony; we spent lots of time watching the beach, boats, and people
Dorian navigating our extremely steep and un-child-friendly stairs up to our apartment (he loved it of course)
A little sunset beach picnic outside our place...Leyton as usual heads straight for the booze
The bouquet met with his approval
Daddy and his boys goofing around at home
Ready for a swim at Pinarellu
D loved all the boats and docks at Pinarellu
Preparing for a boat tour of the spectacular coast around Bonifacio
The boys playing together on the floor of the boat.  This is the first (of many) times Dorian would see what Leyton was wearing and then demand to be dressed like Leyton
M gives the tough-guy stare while trying on his new hat
The hat proved very popular with his entourage
The tasteful art they had in the children's room
Swimming at the beautiful rock pools
Dorian's culinary tour of Corsica included all the major French food groups - bread, pizza (the French LOVE their pizza and it began to be a bit absurd how many pizzerias there were everywhere), and ice cream, of course, though we actually got Mr. Fussy to eat VEAL by telling him, "It's just like chicken nuggets..."
A lovely setting at U Museu restaurant in Corte
Second Week -- outside of Ile Rousse (near Calvi)
We spent many evenings enjoying the sunsets from the balcony
Dorian would ask, "Why is the sun going to bed?" which actually makes some sense as that is how the French say sunset ("coucher de soleil")
Dorian waving to the little coastal "Micheline" train that passed by our house.
That is the great thing about 3-year-olds:  this train went past us twice an hour for an entire week, and it never ceased to be an EVENT
I wouldn't call D the world's most enthusiastic swimmer, but he was diligent about his "ladder lessons" where he would teach us all how to get in and out of the pool, over and over again
This is how Leyton wanted to spend the holiday -- practicing his walking (he's at the "cruising" stage now where he can sort of get around holding onto things)
Getting up close and personal with the Micheline Train during an evening out in Ile Rousse
Ile Rousse
The first of many "friends" Dorian made on the trip..at a playground in Ile Rousse
Dinner at L'Escale, one of the many nice restaurants that were all surprisingly kid-friendly (always happy to talk to the kids, give them treats and toys)
Sunset in Ile Rousse, Dorian and his Mini-Cooper take it all in
Rock pools
Jennifer was very cautious in the sun and wore SPF 55 the entire time, except at the end when she decided to "go-for-broke" and go out in SPF 30 for a few minutes
Waving to Daddy from the beach under our house (red arrow indicates Daddy in this photo wearing blue t-shirt)
Rock Pools at U Fragu
Botanical Gardens
This house outside the goat enclosure was like something out of Dr. Seuss;
Dorian loved it of course
California-girl was right at home with all the Oleander on the island
Taking the Micheline Train into Calvi
Finally it was our chance to actually TAKE the train we had been watching and excited about all week!!
The reality of the train was a lot less glamorous than he had imagined..."You mean I have to sit on the FLOOR??  Don't they KNOW who I AM???"
Things looked up when D was adopted by Liam and his family from Glasgow...this was pretty much the only English we heard spoken in two weeks (we saw no other North Americans and few other Brits in Corsica, was nearly all French and Italian)
The train did have lovely coastal views
Creating a house together under the seats on the train
When D asked who that lady in the black was, and I said the Conductor, he marched up to her and said, "TICKETS, PLEASE!!!"
When we arrived in Calvi to meet Daddy and Leyton (who drove in),
D insisted on waving bye to the train and thanking it for the ride. 

D picked up a good bit of French and was very eager to practice.  He kept saying thank-you-very-much to people:  "Merci Cuckoo!" (his 3-year-old version of merci beaucoup).
"Right so this Calvi, blah blah blah, now where is that ice cream you were talking about on the train??"
See Dorian's lovely crisp white shirt?  Don't get too attached to it...it never looked the same again after this encounter with chocolate ice cream
Delicious dinner at U Minellu in Calvi
Dorian made another friend, Alexandra from the table behind us
Calvi evenings
More examples of Dorian seeing Leyton's outfit and then demanding to wear the same thing -- isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
The Artisinal Route through the mountains
Pigna and San Antonio (where we searched in vain for donkey rides)
Alta Rocca region - Zonza
"Horses on the beach!!!"
Preparing Dorian for his future as a catalog model
Back at the house...
"What's the big idea, copycat?"
A last dinner out in Calvi
The waiter brought Dorian his chocolate mousse, and D exclaimed, "That guy is nice!!"
Dorian the fruit-monster polishing off five pieces of watermelon as an appetizer
D with his new favourite drink -- "Pine Cone Juice!"
(= pineapple juice)
My little pomme-de-terre
A last drive through the mountains and a stop for a quick refresher
July 2009
2 weeks in Corsica, France